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Grand Junction

2470 Patterson Rd #1B

Grand Junction, CO 81505

Phone: 970-254-3000

It's wonderful. It's totally changed everything. I thank God that I got to meet Jacquie at MRC in Carmel. They have a great program, I still eat food that I love to eat, exercise regularly, am learning to control stress, and she helps me faithfully every single week with great support. My desperation is gone and I can reduce my weight in healthy way. Before I met her my weight was like a yoyo and then I'd end up getting back up and up. Now I live a better life, I feel like I'm in 20's, living the best of my life. Thank you Jacquie and thank you MRC for motivating me and help me by giving me a lot of knowledge.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 / 5 stars

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