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Grand Junction

2470 Patterson Rd #1B

Grand Junction, CO 81505

Phone: 970-254-3000

Over the past 2 years I have learn a lot about myself by being in this program. One of the main things is this program works only if I put effort in to change. The drinks, supplements and shots that the plans offer are a starter kit to me till I learn to eat right. At first I was like everyone else it was about a magic solution to fix my bad habits. I have since seen the difference by changing my bad habits and seeing the difference, it’s really all about my efforts and desires to be healthy, something I can do for the rest of my life. Metabolic Research Center in Columbus has a staff that is wonderful the counselors I have had have taught me good eating habits and the results show. Thank you MRC for teaching and caring about me for my health.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★
5 / 5 stars

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